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About Us

Image by Elisabeth Wales
Statue of Liberty


Michigan Strike Force seeks to join Americans together to change public policy by being educated, informed and mobilized into taking action to protect our way of life and the freedoms we have to pursue it. 

Image by frank mckenna


Alarmed by the erasure of individual liberties throughout our beautiful peninsula, and with a deep desire to preserve for our children and grandchildren the freedoms we hold dear, we created the Michigan Strike Force. 

Seeking synergies with like-minded citizens we will provide tools to become a more informed citizen including events, training and news. 

The principles upon which America is founded make her great. The defense of those principles is the responsibility of each generation. We intend to leave a Michigan to our children that is freer than we found it.

Health care is a personal choice - medical mandates and censorship must end. Elections are to be transparent - every legal vote must count. 

Our elected officials are charged with the defense of our individual liberties and thus they must be held to account for the vigor of that defense. 

Image by frank mckenna
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